Trump and Nehemiah acomparison by Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Trump and Nehemiah
© 7/24/2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Most recently, I watched with awe and wonder the Republican National Convention. In all of my life, I have never taken such interest in American Politics as I have now. In the aftermath of 9/11 I became a devoted American Patriot and my motto has been “Christian Patriotism at its Best” since the founding of my ministry IJNHope which is based upon Matt: 12:21 “In His Name (Jesus) the Nations will put their Hope.” Mr. Donald J. Trump caught my attention as he mentioned building a Wall to keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States of America. As an astute student of the Bible, the Word of God, I was prompted to visit the ancient book of Nehemiah.
As I studied this book, certain allegories between the Book of Nehemiah and the United States began to leap out at me. Let’s face it, history often repeats itself, and there is nothing new under the sun. We find a passage in Ezekiel 13:10 about how the people were seduced with “Peace; there was no peace” because of the “flimsy” wall. America currently has a joke of a fence in some places on the border with Mexico. Some of the illegal immigrants are anything but peaceful as they bring their brand of rape, killing, and drugs across our borders.
I sincerely believe that in keeping with the passage in Neh. 4:14, Mr. Trump's Stance on the Wall is an echo of fighting for our nation, and our families. “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
Meanwhile, America has increasingly become more polarized on the issues of illegal immigration and all of the “feel good peace-seekers and LibTards” want to embrace and support illegal immigrants, at the expense of the American Taxpayer. See my blog on the Ecuadorian Immigrant. In the book of (Acts. 9:25) we find that the “religious establishment” was plotting to kill Paul, so he was placed in a basket and lowered down a “wall” Apparently the “wall” had stood the test of time. If we had one in place, it would certainly make it more difficult for people to cross into America’s borders. On a more sentimental note, Mr. Trump is the only Presidential candidate to personally visit and befriend the families of those murdered by illegal aliens, murders that could have been avoided if America had a wall on the Mexican border.
Let’s face it, Americans are not running to go to other countries, but people are certainly running to come to America, hence the influx of illegal immigrants. Considering the fact that my father had to go through all of the proper protocol to bring his young family to America, why should others not do the same? I stand with Mr. Trump in his idea for building a “wall” it may be the only solution to an ever-growing ugly problem that affects all of America. America’s already taxed welfare system is being forced to care for those who are too lazy to enter the United States ethically and legally. Horrendous crimes are being committed by some of those being allowed into our great nation.
Ties that Bind
There are some interesting correlations between Mr. Donald J. Trump and Nehemiah. Though their stories are thousands of years apart, the same spirit of love and concern that Nehemiah had for his people, their beleaguered future, the desecrated Wall and the city of his people Jerusalem is the same concern Mr. Trump has for his people. Mr. Donald J. Trump’s spirit began to stir in the aftermath of 9/11 after his beloved city was attacked by Saudi Arab Muslim terrorists who flew fuel laden jets into the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. He has exhibited a love for his countrymen and their yearning to be safe, prosper economically, and have the freedom to practice the faith of their fathers.
Nehemiah had very comfortable job as the Cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. However, he received word from Hanani and others that they were ashamed as the wall around Jerusalem had been broken down and burned and in ruins. The people of Judah had become a reproach and a laughing stock of surrounding nations. In fact, when Nehemiah appeared before the King, in (Neh. 2:1-5) he took a chance at revealing his very sad countenance, and the king asked him why he was sad, as he was not sick, it was then that Nehemiah revealed to the King that he was sorrowful of the heart. But he also became afraid as protocol could indicate death of anyone who appeared before a King with such countenance. Then Nehemiah prayed to the God of Heaven, and asked to return to be sent to Judah so that he could rebuild it. He also asked for the proper support of staff necessary to accomplish his mission.
In the same manner, Mr. Donald J. Trump has followed protocol. In fact, in his book "Crippled America" he deliberately chose a cover photo which shows an angry and mean looking countenance, revealing his anger and frustration at the "Crippled state of the United States of America" his beloved country. He clearly states that he is not in a joyous state, and I concur. America is headed on a one way ticket to the Cemetery. In following protocol he agreed to adhere to the rules of the Republican party and signed a document stating that he would not run as an independent (although I am sure he could have). Instead he was humble in following the rules and regulations of politics. The Conservative, Christian Patriots came out in force and voted. He broke the polls and predictions, just as Nehemiah's opponents were shamed, so were the enemies of Mr. Trump. He achieved over 14 million votes the highest in Republican history, and ran against 16 competitors of his own party (Republicans). But then this is not our story, it is HisStory (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).
Mr. Trump has very comfortable life after working hard and building an empire which bears his name, and brand all over the world. He has built towers, golf courses, hotels, and real estate the world over. Now in his golden years, he has made note of the fact that America which has afforded him and his beloved family so much in opportunity is in ruins. Our economy, and borders are an indicator of the decimation of America not to mention the economy which is in shambles due to unfair trade deals, and shipping of jobs overseas and American companies moving their entire operations to nations where labor is cheap, and taxes are low. Even the burned walls mirror the tragedy of 9/11 in New York Mr. Trumps home state.
As Americans it is important for us to understand the importance of the book of Nehemiah and importance of “The Wall.” Walls in ancient Judah (now modern day Israel) and other nations represented both political and geographical boundaries, thus if they were breached it was a serious matter requiring utmost attention to restoration. Not only that, but in ancient Israel, Jerusalem was the spiritual and political center of Judah. Without walls, Jerusalem could hardly be considered a city at all and it had become the butt of neighboring nations just as America has become under the leadership of the most biblically hostile President of the United States who just happens to have a Muslim Ishmaelite name, and has extended money and resources to the enemies of America at the expense of its citizens, its military and its safety. Thus, it’s imperative that a wall be built, and our sovereignty as One Nation Under God be restored.
Trump and Nehemiah Men of Action
Nehemiah was a man of action as is Donald J. Trump. It is easy for us to stay in our comfort zones and not take any risks. But without risk, there is no reward, and sometimes the lives of millions and future generations may depend on it. Just as Nehemiah understood the impact of rebuilding the Wall, as well as its impact on the future generations, Mr. Trump understands the importance of rebuilding a “Crippled America” making it great once again, and building a fortified Wall around and Gates in order to protect us from incoming enemies and terrorists.
In Nehemiah, we make note of the fact that he did not see rebuilding the capital of Israel as a mere job, but as a passion. Mr. Trump has also demonstrated to many of us that rebuilding a “Crippled America” the title of his book by the same, as his passion, which has given his life new purpose and meaning. Just as Nehemiah had organizational skills in getting people to help rally to his cause, Mr. Trump has demonstrated the same. Nehemiah was a leader, a warrior, a fighter, and Mr. Donald J. Trump is no less. In less than 14 months, Mr. Trump has gone from announcing his candidacy for the office of the President of the United States to winning the primaries, cinching the Presidential nomination of the Republican Party and going full speed ahead in his bid for the election of President of the United States of America.
Sound That Trump
Being a student of the Bible, prophecy, America and Israel, I perceive Mr. Trump as a modern day “Watchman on the Wall.” Prophetically his name says it all (Trump). God always uses his children as he wishes. In ancient Israel/Judah a Trump (which is the English translation for Shofar) was a “Ram’s Horn” which was blown to signal a breach, an alarm, and also during Jewish liturgies many of which centered on the Jewish calendar and the various Feasts of the Lord. Interestingly, the inception of the Jewish Diaspora there was a ban on the playing of musical instruments, however the Shofar was enhanced in its’ usage as a sign of mourning for the destruction of the temple. Could it be that the recent title by one of the News services summed it up quite well with this headline? “His Tone Dark, Donald Trump Takes G.O.P Mantle. America the Beautiful has indeed become America the Terminal. This nation which was once called to be as a “City on a Hill” citing Matt. 5:14 by one of our founding fathers John Winthrop in his address to the Pilgrims aboard the flagship Arbella in 1630 is no longer a light that it once was. America has sent out more missionaries to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ than any continent on the planet. Amazingly after reading “Crippled America” How to Make America Great Again and “Time to Get Tough” this sentiment is echoed by Mr. Trump as well.
Build That Wall
Since we are a Christian nation and the Bible served as the basis for over 34% of the constitutional verbiage (the very foundation of America’s Republic), there is clear justification in the Bible for having a wall to serve as a protection for its citizens therefore, it is imperative that we build a wall. Apparently, the bright government officials in Washington have yet to come up with any other viable solutions. Let’s examine the purpose of walls in ancient Israel and the biblical mention of walls.
I believe that Trumps' Wall is actually a necessity and for those who claim to be Christians, it is a biblically justified option. The world “Wall” is mentioned 179 times in the Bible. While the word “Walls” in the plural is mentioned 66 times, the world “Wall” is interestingly first mentioned in reference to when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptian Slave Masters. The waters parted in Exo. 14:22, 29 and the Bible describes the waters as a “wall” unto the Israelites. In Num. 22:24 the Angel of the Lord that was protecting the Israelites during their sojourn is described as a “wall” on this side and a wall on that side. In the book of Joshua 6:5 and 6:20 we read the instances of the walls being brought down in Jericho at the blowing of the Trump. Next we read the famous story of Nehemiah who was commissioned to “rebuild the Wall” in Jerusalem after it was in disrepair and such disarray. In fact, it was to be rebuilt, so that their enemies would not consider the Israelites under reproach/ridicule. (see. Neh. 2:17). Just as wicked Sanballat mocked the Jews (see. Neh. 4:1) in rebuilding the wall, Mr. Trump is being ridiculed by Liberal biased hateful media, as most of them are clueless about America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, let alone the increasing threat that the Mexican and even the Canadian border pose to America’s national safety. God saw that the rebuilding of the wall was so important, that the actual word “WALL” is mentioned 30 (thirty) times alone, in the book of Nehemiah. (See. Neh. 1:3; 2:8, 15, 17; 3:8,13,15,19,20,24,25,27; 4:1,3,6,10,13,15,17,19; 5:16; 6:1,6,15; 7:1; 12:30,31,37,38; 13:21). America needs to build a wall period.
Warfare and Walls
However, Mr. Trump’s path to proposing the building of a wall has been wrought with much criticism and enemies have risen against him just as they arose against Nehemiah.
Interestingly, the rebuilding of the Wall in ancient Jerusalem occurred during the third and last return by the Jewish people after the Babylonian exile. America was birthed in 1776 for the first time and our first President George Washington who was also our General during the Revolutionary War prayed “Almighty God: we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection.” His prayer is famously reflected in a painting where he bows next to his horse on bended knee humbly before the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Next America had its second birth after the Civil War which ended the sin of slavery under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln. At his famous Gettysburg address President Lincoln echoed “This Nation, under God, shall have a new birth of Freedom.” America’s rich Judeo-Christian heritage cannot be erased from our history books, nor sanitized by the left wing progressives. Amazingly, I believe that we may have an opportunity to have a third chance at God’s mercy and grace, just as the Jewish people had during their return from Babylonian captivity.
Nehemiah acted boldly, swiftly and decisively by challenging his countrymen to take action, arise and rebuild Jerusalem. Mr. Trump is also doing the same for the citizens of America. We have been enslaved in Babylonian captivity of a different sort, as a result of our dependence on Crude Oil, Political Correctness gone awry, and the removal of God, and his Law. America’s current administration and its’ cronies are among the most lawless in U.S. history. In addition, we have reached economic decimation that is unmatched since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on America’s shores by Arab Muslim hijackers who flew jet fuel laden planes loaded with civilians into the World Trade Center Towers killing well over three thousand (3,000) civilian. Most of the victims were citizens of New York Mr. Trump’s home state. Oddly there were 86 nationalities represented among the victims of the World Trade Center attacks by the Muslim descendants of Ishmael. Not to be forgotten, it must be noted that Abram was 86 years old when the child of disobedience named Ishmael was conceived with the slave woman Hagar. While God promised the descendants of Ishmael blessings, it appears that they have taken their Crude Oil blessings and turned them into a curse of epic proportions, enslavement, terrorism and killing for the whole world. Please read my page on “Crude Oil.”
Nehemiah, Trump and the Law
The restoration of Law and Order as Mr. Trump has proposed will require immense effort and loyalty by its citizens as the Rule of Law is no longer observed. The failure of our governmental authorities in punishing those that break the Law, jeopardize the security of its citizens, and receive a slap on the wrist for treasonous acts is beyond reprehensible to say the least.
Nehemiah faced opposition, and abuse from his opponents, just as Mr. Trump has faced opposition from his opponent, and abuse from within his own party.
Common Enemies; Different Names
We have several different seedy characters which posed an immense challenge to poor Nehemiah in his quest to rebuilt the Wall of Jerusalem, restore order and also rebuilt national pride and bring the people back to God as well. In Neh. 4:7-23. We read about Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, becoming very angry when they heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were being closed. Nevertheless the people made a point to pray, and set watches night and day. There was much rubbish, and they were concerned that they may not even be able to build the wall. Of course the adversaries of the people and Nehemiah were counting on the blindness of the people, and their plan was to go into their midst and kill them, thus causing the work of rebuilding the wall to cease. However, Nehemiah was not easily deterred nor defeated. As a result, the evil plot by his enemies was defeated through prayer, and weapons. In fact, they worked with one hand, and held weapons with the other. Ironically, the sound of the Trump was a rally that God would fight for his people. There were guards posted, and the people overcame.
Fast forward and Mr. Trump has dealt with similar enemies in his own party including Cruz and , Kashich, Hillary and Obama (whose only interest is the Arabs as their lives, pockets, foundations etc. are funded by Petro-Dollars), and of course the Master Baiter Media who spin lies, twist, cheat and delete not to mention deceive the American people who have been blinded. Let’s not forget the Social Media Sharks such as Fb, Twitter, and Google who utilize algorithms to suppress positive news about Mr. Trump, and the God fearing Patriots and Conservatives who support him in his quest to restore Law and Order to America, protect our 2nd Amendment rights, and “Make America Great” once again. Just as in Nehemiah’s time there was a lot of rubbish, deterring the building of the Wall, Americans are dealing with a lot of rubbish coming from the enemies within our shores. We are being told to disarm, and give control to our enemies. And who can put to rest the most recent Intifada issued by Black Lives Matter (Klan with a Tan) who are funded by George Soros a Nazi sympathizer, and its participants are recruited by ads through Craigslist. Those of us who happen to be “Smarter than the average Liberal” know better. However, these enemies of America have forgotten that there are millions of Americans who fast and pray for this nation, Americans who have not given in to the Babylonian system of worshipping Mammon and Crude Oil. Just as Nehemiah in Chapter 5 made note of the taxation (usury) of the people, Mr. Trump has made note of the unfair taxes which are being levied on Middle Class America. Nehemiah’s desire was to restore the lands, vineyards and olive groves and houses of his people. Mr. Trump has the same desire for his fellow Americans.
Generous Nehemiah and Trump
Nehemiah refused to partake in the feasts that were being prepared for him as the honored governor for his people. When we research Mr. Trump we find that he has done many good deeds for many people in following the biblical principles of the Bible. He shies away from having accolades heaped upon him. However, in this day of the World Wide Web, such things are coming to increasing light. More on these on my page on Mr. Trump’s faith and patriotism.
The book of Nehemiah is filled with conspiracies against Nehemiah, meetings, setups and deceit, and we have all witnessed these as well. There have been assassination plots, songs written by rappers to assassinate him, it has gotten were ugly. Just as Nehemiah was threatened (Chapt 5 v. 19), so has Mr. Trump been threatened. In fact it’s worse because his very children have been threatened. Most recently his son Eric Trump was sent a letter laced with a dangerous substance. Intimidation and threats are the rule of the day for the enemies of America as the Rule of Law is nearly nonexistent except when enforced on the unsuspecting American public.
Oppression of the People
Nehemiah demonstrated a compassion for his people, along with compassion for the oppressed, and did it with integrity, godliness and total selflessness. Donald Jr. Trump has also made note of the American workers who face oppression, the citizens who have lost loved ones in various terrorist acts, Veterans who are treated worse than incoming illegal refugees, along with the families of those murdered by incoming illegal pigs bent on rape, murder and mayhem. Mr. Trump has treated people with compassion, and he has been totally selfless in his quest for the average American Citizen. He has gone as far as spending $50.00 million of his own dollars to fund his campaign on behalf of the American people. Nehemiah also demonstrated generosity towards his people. If that doesn’t remove the scales from the eyes of the blind, then what will? Mr. Trump has given up an easy life and retirement to help the American people and is fighting for all of us. He has placed his life at risk, and his children have joined him in that risk. Last but not least, he began his quest for the Presidency by having a group of Evangelical leaders who laid hands upon him and prayed. While he is not an overtly religious man, Donald J. Trump has proven to us that he is a man of faith. His leadership and his humility were apparent when he addressed the crowd at the RNC as he thanked the Evangelicals and Christians for their votes and support, although he was uncertain whether he deserved it.
His idea of building a wall has more than physical implications I believe. There are spiritual implications as well. When Mr. Trump gave his victory speech after the Primary victory in Indiana, he specifically stated that Americans would be able to say “Merry Christmas” once again. Many of you reading this are probably thinking that it's not a big deal, let me assure you that it is a “Huge Deal.” We are so overrun by political correctness that people have genuinely become afraid to utter “Merry Christmas” and that “Happy Holidays” crap has keenly become the norm. It is quite pathetic really. He has also made a point of promising us Christians that we will once again have a voice, we will not be silenced any longer as we have been most recently. And why should we? Our nation was built upon the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible, the Word of God and His Laws. We must stand with Mr. Trump and repair the breaches, build the wall, and regain our nation back for the third time. Our God is the God of second chances, and third and fourth.
I for one believe that Mr. Trump may be our third and last chance to turn America back, to Make America Great Again. We need to have a change in Leadership so that America and its citizens can truly Hope again, rebuild again, be safe again and be free to celebrate our Christian heritage once again.
© 7/24/2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Most recently, I watched with awe and wonder the Republican National Convention. In all of my life, I have never taken such interest in American Politics as I have now. In the aftermath of 9/11 I became a devoted American Patriot and my motto has been “Christian Patriotism at its Best” since the founding of my ministry IJNHope which is based upon Matt: 12:21 “In His Name (Jesus) the Nations will put their Hope.” Mr. Donald J. Trump caught my attention as he mentioned building a Wall to keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States of America. As an astute student of the Bible, the Word of God, I was prompted to visit the ancient book of Nehemiah.
As I studied this book, certain allegories between the Book of Nehemiah and the United States began to leap out at me. Let’s face it, history often repeats itself, and there is nothing new under the sun. We find a passage in Ezekiel 13:10 about how the people were seduced with “Peace; there was no peace” because of the “flimsy” wall. America currently has a joke of a fence in some places on the border with Mexico. Some of the illegal immigrants are anything but peaceful as they bring their brand of rape, killing, and drugs across our borders.
I sincerely believe that in keeping with the passage in Neh. 4:14, Mr. Trump's Stance on the Wall is an echo of fighting for our nation, and our families. “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
Meanwhile, America has increasingly become more polarized on the issues of illegal immigration and all of the “feel good peace-seekers and LibTards” want to embrace and support illegal immigrants, at the expense of the American Taxpayer. See my blog on the Ecuadorian Immigrant. In the book of (Acts. 9:25) we find that the “religious establishment” was plotting to kill Paul, so he was placed in a basket and lowered down a “wall” Apparently the “wall” had stood the test of time. If we had one in place, it would certainly make it more difficult for people to cross into America’s borders. On a more sentimental note, Mr. Trump is the only Presidential candidate to personally visit and befriend the families of those murdered by illegal aliens, murders that could have been avoided if America had a wall on the Mexican border.
Let’s face it, Americans are not running to go to other countries, but people are certainly running to come to America, hence the influx of illegal immigrants. Considering the fact that my father had to go through all of the proper protocol to bring his young family to America, why should others not do the same? I stand with Mr. Trump in his idea for building a “wall” it may be the only solution to an ever-growing ugly problem that affects all of America. America’s already taxed welfare system is being forced to care for those who are too lazy to enter the United States ethically and legally. Horrendous crimes are being committed by some of those being allowed into our great nation.
Ties that Bind
There are some interesting correlations between Mr. Donald J. Trump and Nehemiah. Though their stories are thousands of years apart, the same spirit of love and concern that Nehemiah had for his people, their beleaguered future, the desecrated Wall and the city of his people Jerusalem is the same concern Mr. Trump has for his people. Mr. Donald J. Trump’s spirit began to stir in the aftermath of 9/11 after his beloved city was attacked by Saudi Arab Muslim terrorists who flew fuel laden jets into the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. He has exhibited a love for his countrymen and their yearning to be safe, prosper economically, and have the freedom to practice the faith of their fathers.
Nehemiah had very comfortable job as the Cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. However, he received word from Hanani and others that they were ashamed as the wall around Jerusalem had been broken down and burned and in ruins. The people of Judah had become a reproach and a laughing stock of surrounding nations. In fact, when Nehemiah appeared before the King, in (Neh. 2:1-5) he took a chance at revealing his very sad countenance, and the king asked him why he was sad, as he was not sick, it was then that Nehemiah revealed to the King that he was sorrowful of the heart. But he also became afraid as protocol could indicate death of anyone who appeared before a King with such countenance. Then Nehemiah prayed to the God of Heaven, and asked to return to be sent to Judah so that he could rebuild it. He also asked for the proper support of staff necessary to accomplish his mission.
In the same manner, Mr. Donald J. Trump has followed protocol. In fact, in his book "Crippled America" he deliberately chose a cover photo which shows an angry and mean looking countenance, revealing his anger and frustration at the "Crippled state of the United States of America" his beloved country. He clearly states that he is not in a joyous state, and I concur. America is headed on a one way ticket to the Cemetery. In following protocol he agreed to adhere to the rules of the Republican party and signed a document stating that he would not run as an independent (although I am sure he could have). Instead he was humble in following the rules and regulations of politics. The Conservative, Christian Patriots came out in force and voted. He broke the polls and predictions, just as Nehemiah's opponents were shamed, so were the enemies of Mr. Trump. He achieved over 14 million votes the highest in Republican history, and ran against 16 competitors of his own party (Republicans). But then this is not our story, it is HisStory (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).
Mr. Trump has very comfortable life after working hard and building an empire which bears his name, and brand all over the world. He has built towers, golf courses, hotels, and real estate the world over. Now in his golden years, he has made note of the fact that America which has afforded him and his beloved family so much in opportunity is in ruins. Our economy, and borders are an indicator of the decimation of America not to mention the economy which is in shambles due to unfair trade deals, and shipping of jobs overseas and American companies moving their entire operations to nations where labor is cheap, and taxes are low. Even the burned walls mirror the tragedy of 9/11 in New York Mr. Trumps home state.
As Americans it is important for us to understand the importance of the book of Nehemiah and importance of “The Wall.” Walls in ancient Judah (now modern day Israel) and other nations represented both political and geographical boundaries, thus if they were breached it was a serious matter requiring utmost attention to restoration. Not only that, but in ancient Israel, Jerusalem was the spiritual and political center of Judah. Without walls, Jerusalem could hardly be considered a city at all and it had become the butt of neighboring nations just as America has become under the leadership of the most biblically hostile President of the United States who just happens to have a Muslim Ishmaelite name, and has extended money and resources to the enemies of America at the expense of its citizens, its military and its safety. Thus, it’s imperative that a wall be built, and our sovereignty as One Nation Under God be restored.
Trump and Nehemiah Men of Action
Nehemiah was a man of action as is Donald J. Trump. It is easy for us to stay in our comfort zones and not take any risks. But without risk, there is no reward, and sometimes the lives of millions and future generations may depend on it. Just as Nehemiah understood the impact of rebuilding the Wall, as well as its impact on the future generations, Mr. Trump understands the importance of rebuilding a “Crippled America” making it great once again, and building a fortified Wall around and Gates in order to protect us from incoming enemies and terrorists.
In Nehemiah, we make note of the fact that he did not see rebuilding the capital of Israel as a mere job, but as a passion. Mr. Trump has also demonstrated to many of us that rebuilding a “Crippled America” the title of his book by the same, as his passion, which has given his life new purpose and meaning. Just as Nehemiah had organizational skills in getting people to help rally to his cause, Mr. Trump has demonstrated the same. Nehemiah was a leader, a warrior, a fighter, and Mr. Donald J. Trump is no less. In less than 14 months, Mr. Trump has gone from announcing his candidacy for the office of the President of the United States to winning the primaries, cinching the Presidential nomination of the Republican Party and going full speed ahead in his bid for the election of President of the United States of America.
Sound That Trump
Being a student of the Bible, prophecy, America and Israel, I perceive Mr. Trump as a modern day “Watchman on the Wall.” Prophetically his name says it all (Trump). God always uses his children as he wishes. In ancient Israel/Judah a Trump (which is the English translation for Shofar) was a “Ram’s Horn” which was blown to signal a breach, an alarm, and also during Jewish liturgies many of which centered on the Jewish calendar and the various Feasts of the Lord. Interestingly, the inception of the Jewish Diaspora there was a ban on the playing of musical instruments, however the Shofar was enhanced in its’ usage as a sign of mourning for the destruction of the temple. Could it be that the recent title by one of the News services summed it up quite well with this headline? “His Tone Dark, Donald Trump Takes G.O.P Mantle. America the Beautiful has indeed become America the Terminal. This nation which was once called to be as a “City on a Hill” citing Matt. 5:14 by one of our founding fathers John Winthrop in his address to the Pilgrims aboard the flagship Arbella in 1630 is no longer a light that it once was. America has sent out more missionaries to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ than any continent on the planet. Amazingly after reading “Crippled America” How to Make America Great Again and “Time to Get Tough” this sentiment is echoed by Mr. Trump as well.
Build That Wall
Since we are a Christian nation and the Bible served as the basis for over 34% of the constitutional verbiage (the very foundation of America’s Republic), there is clear justification in the Bible for having a wall to serve as a protection for its citizens therefore, it is imperative that we build a wall. Apparently, the bright government officials in Washington have yet to come up with any other viable solutions. Let’s examine the purpose of walls in ancient Israel and the biblical mention of walls.
I believe that Trumps' Wall is actually a necessity and for those who claim to be Christians, it is a biblically justified option. The world “Wall” is mentioned 179 times in the Bible. While the word “Walls” in the plural is mentioned 66 times, the world “Wall” is interestingly first mentioned in reference to when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptian Slave Masters. The waters parted in Exo. 14:22, 29 and the Bible describes the waters as a “wall” unto the Israelites. In Num. 22:24 the Angel of the Lord that was protecting the Israelites during their sojourn is described as a “wall” on this side and a wall on that side. In the book of Joshua 6:5 and 6:20 we read the instances of the walls being brought down in Jericho at the blowing of the Trump. Next we read the famous story of Nehemiah who was commissioned to “rebuild the Wall” in Jerusalem after it was in disrepair and such disarray. In fact, it was to be rebuilt, so that their enemies would not consider the Israelites under reproach/ridicule. (see. Neh. 2:17). Just as wicked Sanballat mocked the Jews (see. Neh. 4:1) in rebuilding the wall, Mr. Trump is being ridiculed by Liberal biased hateful media, as most of them are clueless about America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, let alone the increasing threat that the Mexican and even the Canadian border pose to America’s national safety. God saw that the rebuilding of the wall was so important, that the actual word “WALL” is mentioned 30 (thirty) times alone, in the book of Nehemiah. (See. Neh. 1:3; 2:8, 15, 17; 3:8,13,15,19,20,24,25,27; 4:1,3,6,10,13,15,17,19; 5:16; 6:1,6,15; 7:1; 12:30,31,37,38; 13:21). America needs to build a wall period.
Warfare and Walls
However, Mr. Trump’s path to proposing the building of a wall has been wrought with much criticism and enemies have risen against him just as they arose against Nehemiah.
Interestingly, the rebuilding of the Wall in ancient Jerusalem occurred during the third and last return by the Jewish people after the Babylonian exile. America was birthed in 1776 for the first time and our first President George Washington who was also our General during the Revolutionary War prayed “Almighty God: we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection.” His prayer is famously reflected in a painting where he bows next to his horse on bended knee humbly before the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Next America had its second birth after the Civil War which ended the sin of slavery under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln. At his famous Gettysburg address President Lincoln echoed “This Nation, under God, shall have a new birth of Freedom.” America’s rich Judeo-Christian heritage cannot be erased from our history books, nor sanitized by the left wing progressives. Amazingly, I believe that we may have an opportunity to have a third chance at God’s mercy and grace, just as the Jewish people had during their return from Babylonian captivity.
Nehemiah acted boldly, swiftly and decisively by challenging his countrymen to take action, arise and rebuild Jerusalem. Mr. Trump is also doing the same for the citizens of America. We have been enslaved in Babylonian captivity of a different sort, as a result of our dependence on Crude Oil, Political Correctness gone awry, and the removal of God, and his Law. America’s current administration and its’ cronies are among the most lawless in U.S. history. In addition, we have reached economic decimation that is unmatched since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on America’s shores by Arab Muslim hijackers who flew jet fuel laden planes loaded with civilians into the World Trade Center Towers killing well over three thousand (3,000) civilian. Most of the victims were citizens of New York Mr. Trump’s home state. Oddly there were 86 nationalities represented among the victims of the World Trade Center attacks by the Muslim descendants of Ishmael. Not to be forgotten, it must be noted that Abram was 86 years old when the child of disobedience named Ishmael was conceived with the slave woman Hagar. While God promised the descendants of Ishmael blessings, it appears that they have taken their Crude Oil blessings and turned them into a curse of epic proportions, enslavement, terrorism and killing for the whole world. Please read my page on “Crude Oil.”
Nehemiah, Trump and the Law
The restoration of Law and Order as Mr. Trump has proposed will require immense effort and loyalty by its citizens as the Rule of Law is no longer observed. The failure of our governmental authorities in punishing those that break the Law, jeopardize the security of its citizens, and receive a slap on the wrist for treasonous acts is beyond reprehensible to say the least.
Nehemiah faced opposition, and abuse from his opponents, just as Mr. Trump has faced opposition from his opponent, and abuse from within his own party.
Common Enemies; Different Names
We have several different seedy characters which posed an immense challenge to poor Nehemiah in his quest to rebuilt the Wall of Jerusalem, restore order and also rebuilt national pride and bring the people back to God as well. In Neh. 4:7-23. We read about Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, becoming very angry when they heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were being closed. Nevertheless the people made a point to pray, and set watches night and day. There was much rubbish, and they were concerned that they may not even be able to build the wall. Of course the adversaries of the people and Nehemiah were counting on the blindness of the people, and their plan was to go into their midst and kill them, thus causing the work of rebuilding the wall to cease. However, Nehemiah was not easily deterred nor defeated. As a result, the evil plot by his enemies was defeated through prayer, and weapons. In fact, they worked with one hand, and held weapons with the other. Ironically, the sound of the Trump was a rally that God would fight for his people. There were guards posted, and the people overcame.
Fast forward and Mr. Trump has dealt with similar enemies in his own party including Cruz and , Kashich, Hillary and Obama (whose only interest is the Arabs as their lives, pockets, foundations etc. are funded by Petro-Dollars), and of course the Master Baiter Media who spin lies, twist, cheat and delete not to mention deceive the American people who have been blinded. Let’s not forget the Social Media Sharks such as Fb, Twitter, and Google who utilize algorithms to suppress positive news about Mr. Trump, and the God fearing Patriots and Conservatives who support him in his quest to restore Law and Order to America, protect our 2nd Amendment rights, and “Make America Great” once again. Just as in Nehemiah’s time there was a lot of rubbish, deterring the building of the Wall, Americans are dealing with a lot of rubbish coming from the enemies within our shores. We are being told to disarm, and give control to our enemies. And who can put to rest the most recent Intifada issued by Black Lives Matter (Klan with a Tan) who are funded by George Soros a Nazi sympathizer, and its participants are recruited by ads through Craigslist. Those of us who happen to be “Smarter than the average Liberal” know better. However, these enemies of America have forgotten that there are millions of Americans who fast and pray for this nation, Americans who have not given in to the Babylonian system of worshipping Mammon and Crude Oil. Just as Nehemiah in Chapter 5 made note of the taxation (usury) of the people, Mr. Trump has made note of the unfair taxes which are being levied on Middle Class America. Nehemiah’s desire was to restore the lands, vineyards and olive groves and houses of his people. Mr. Trump has the same desire for his fellow Americans.
Generous Nehemiah and Trump
Nehemiah refused to partake in the feasts that were being prepared for him as the honored governor for his people. When we research Mr. Trump we find that he has done many good deeds for many people in following the biblical principles of the Bible. He shies away from having accolades heaped upon him. However, in this day of the World Wide Web, such things are coming to increasing light. More on these on my page on Mr. Trump’s faith and patriotism.
The book of Nehemiah is filled with conspiracies against Nehemiah, meetings, setups and deceit, and we have all witnessed these as well. There have been assassination plots, songs written by rappers to assassinate him, it has gotten were ugly. Just as Nehemiah was threatened (Chapt 5 v. 19), so has Mr. Trump been threatened. In fact it’s worse because his very children have been threatened. Most recently his son Eric Trump was sent a letter laced with a dangerous substance. Intimidation and threats are the rule of the day for the enemies of America as the Rule of Law is nearly nonexistent except when enforced on the unsuspecting American public.
Oppression of the People
Nehemiah demonstrated a compassion for his people, along with compassion for the oppressed, and did it with integrity, godliness and total selflessness. Donald Jr. Trump has also made note of the American workers who face oppression, the citizens who have lost loved ones in various terrorist acts, Veterans who are treated worse than incoming illegal refugees, along with the families of those murdered by incoming illegal pigs bent on rape, murder and mayhem. Mr. Trump has treated people with compassion, and he has been totally selfless in his quest for the average American Citizen. He has gone as far as spending $50.00 million of his own dollars to fund his campaign on behalf of the American people. Nehemiah also demonstrated generosity towards his people. If that doesn’t remove the scales from the eyes of the blind, then what will? Mr. Trump has given up an easy life and retirement to help the American people and is fighting for all of us. He has placed his life at risk, and his children have joined him in that risk. Last but not least, he began his quest for the Presidency by having a group of Evangelical leaders who laid hands upon him and prayed. While he is not an overtly religious man, Donald J. Trump has proven to us that he is a man of faith. His leadership and his humility were apparent when he addressed the crowd at the RNC as he thanked the Evangelicals and Christians for their votes and support, although he was uncertain whether he deserved it.
His idea of building a wall has more than physical implications I believe. There are spiritual implications as well. When Mr. Trump gave his victory speech after the Primary victory in Indiana, he specifically stated that Americans would be able to say “Merry Christmas” once again. Many of you reading this are probably thinking that it's not a big deal, let me assure you that it is a “Huge Deal.” We are so overrun by political correctness that people have genuinely become afraid to utter “Merry Christmas” and that “Happy Holidays” crap has keenly become the norm. It is quite pathetic really. He has also made a point of promising us Christians that we will once again have a voice, we will not be silenced any longer as we have been most recently. And why should we? Our nation was built upon the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible, the Word of God and His Laws. We must stand with Mr. Trump and repair the breaches, build the wall, and regain our nation back for the third time. Our God is the God of second chances, and third and fourth.
I for one believe that Mr. Trump may be our third and last chance to turn America back, to Make America Great Again. We need to have a change in Leadership so that America and its citizens can truly Hope again, rebuild again, be safe again and be free to celebrate our Christian heritage once again.