Trump the Warrior
© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Think big has been Donald John Trump’s mantra since his best-selling book the “The Art of the Deal” which introduced us to this brilliant man. He is a winner in every sense of the word. He likes to make a statement. And guess what? Trump has done precisely that by running for the highest office in the United States of America; Hey if you’re going to run for office you may as well start with the Presidency, right? Who needs a communist little peon Jr. Senator named Barack Hussein Obama (the former Barry Sotero) who hates America and sat under the tutelage of an America hating Pastor if that’s what you want to call Jeremiah Wright one. The word of God states that “Faith Comes by Hearing” I add “Hate Comes by Hearing as Well” and Obama hates America. He is the most biblically hostile President in the history of the United States of America. One of the things that is a source of ire for Mr. Trump is the constant onslaught of petty false accusations and distractions from the real issues at hand facing America and its citizens. Did you know that we have had thirteen documented terrorist attacks by Muslims on American soil under the current pathetic leadership of Obananas? He is a descendant of Ishmael and the Word of God refers to Ishamael as a Wild Donkey, it is no wonder that the logo of the Democrats (them ole rats) is a Donkey, no less. See Gen. 16:12.
Donald J. Trump on the other hand, is a seasoned successful businessman with a huge amount of success, billions to his name, and nearly half a century experience in the world. He defeated sixteen (16) challengers to win the nomination on the Republican ticket for the President of the United States. He has been the subject of vile million dollar hate campaigns, false accusations and attacks too numerous to even mention in this blog. One thing is certain, Mr. Trump is no match for his enemies or the enemies of America as God is with this man. He has been prepared and fashioned for this time. Mr. Trump recognizes that as a world leader, one has to possess the right instincts.
While raising my son, I came across the book Wild at Heart “Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul” by John Eldredge. It is a New York Times Bestseller. Proverbs 27:19 “A man’s heart reflects the man… Matthew 11:12 “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Exactly what is God saying? I believe that men are warriors created in the image of God. That adventurous spirit of men has led to the discovery of new lands, languages, cultures, and the need of thrills leads many to attempt nearly the impossible to prove that they can. A wise man knows that with God what is Impossible is Him Possible (Matt. 19:26). Men are adventurous, love a good battle, and rescuing beauties as John Eldredge reveals in his book.
As a single mother, I made a decision to raise a Warrior of a son. He’s an expert marksman, only takes headshots, he has a lifetime gun permit, and his first love is Jesus Christ. Being a single mother is no easy task, but it is not impossible if you believe in God and have faith. I had to be intentional in making certain I was there but gave him space to make his own mistakes. I allowed him to grow, compete and sadly, we had tough times as well. But through it all, he learned to lean on God Almighty. In his early twenties, he went through a difficult time, and it was there he learned to face his enemy the evil one. I made sure he was mentored by amazing Godly men, prayed on my knees and let God do the rest. He is truly becoming a battle hardened Warrior, and he’s not even twenty five yet. My Cub-Man needed men, not me. In some ways, he has become wiser than me in some things.
As I observed and studied Mr. Trump I have surmised that his father’s decision to send him to a Military School in his teenage years was a wise decision. It made him who is, a tough, disciplined strong man, made in the image of God as well all are, especially men. In order to survive, a man must learn to be a warrior.
What do you think of when you hear the word Warrior? As I researched this word, I found that it is representative of ethical codes of the early Germanic Peoples and many other cultures. Mr. Trump is of German descent by the way. Across cultural boundaries there are common traits that are expected of a warrior, these are mercy, courage and loyalty. Observing Mr. Trump’s life, it’s clear that his life has been governed by such. Warriors are fashioned, to value honor, and have faith as well. Mr. Trump often references that he despises those who are not loyal. In the case of Mr. Trump, his life is filled with adversity, some failures, and triumphs. We have observed our nation take a trip to the Cemetery under the leadership of the most spineless President in the history of the United States.
I might add to this, that God’s warrior nature was first revealed in the Garden in Gen. 3:14-15 “because you have done this, thou art cursed…and enmity between thy seed and her seed; it has been scientifically proven that all human babies have a natural fear of snakes & serpents. Thus God the Warrior spent nearly four thousand years fighting the evil one through his creation, as he worked towards his rescue mission. There were countless covert operations in the camp of the enemy, many heroes and villains, until the birth, death resurrection over death the ultimate enemy. That culminated on the cross when in John 3:16 we find “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son (yes a man who was the seed of a woman & God as He had to redeem through the same gender that was deceived). Go so loved the World (meaning all of us, every tribe, every tongue, every nation that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Thus God the Warrior accomplished that mission. Now as we near the return of His Son in the final battle, the fourth and final event, God has raised up a man named Donald John Trump to take a stand as a man who defends the Christian faith. His name speaks it all. Donald John Trump. See my blog Trump’s Faith and Patriotism Part 1. His lineage contains his mother’s name which was Christ. His father was Fred Christ Trump. He speaks against the beheading of our Christian brethren overseas. Saying Merry Christmas will be popular again. God is a fighter, and we are especially men are made in his image to fight, to be heroes, to be warriors. In the movie Braveheart we saw the same scenario played out. The Wallace implicitly tells his men. “Sons of Scotland…you have come to fight as free men, and free men you are.” Donald Trump’s battle cry for the American people is as an echo of that for the American people. Jesus loved and reached out to those who needed Him, but Christ drew out the self-righteous teachers of the Law, just as the Democrats have become corrupt and lawless in their decimation of the Republic of the United States of America. Barack Obama is the most biblically hostile President in the history of the United States of America, and Hillary Clinton is the biggest liar of this century. Let me tell you, God placed Donald J. Trump and made him who is precisely for this time. ”Is God a gentleman??? Not if you’re in the service of his enemy. Christ draws the enemy out, exposes him for what he is, and shames him in front of everyone.” according to Eldredge. The Bible is replete with battles and genealogies. God is not Miss. Manners. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who came as a babe, raised as a builder, a carpenter, then went on to be a fisher of men, hung on a cross, and victorious over death. When He returns, He is going to be on a White Horse, pissed off, there will be the mother of all Wars, and who do you want on your side for that fourth and final event? God is the ultimate Warrior, and men are created in His image. God caused ten plagues to come upon the enemies of Children of Israel in Exodus. He struck them with pain, and death of their firstborn, and boils, snakes, and locust. When necessary, God inflicted vengeance. So you think that Mr. Trump is too tough? Crass, manly? Well dammit, he’s a man. Did we sit idly when Hitler murdered millions in concentration camps? Did we turn the other cheek when Pearl Harbor was bombed? No we nuked Japan’s ass. God has always raised up Warrior men to fight and prevail. It has been said in order for evil to flourish; good men stand by and do nothing. I certainly don’t want that, do you? As an American, as a Patriot, don’t you want a man who will fight for you? Your children? Your families, your homes? See my page “Trump and Nehemiah.” Want to see more about the Warrior God? Read Job 39:19-25. With the dismal state of America, invasion of criminals and convicts under the guise of Syrian refugees, do we want to “turn the other cheek? Or do we want a man who will build that wall and protect his people? In spite of the dogs of hell and lies and deceit being unleashed on America, Trump is our only advocate. These are some hard tough questions that all Americans of faith must answer on November 8, 2016 as they go to vote. Trump is competitive, and has excelled in nearly everything he has attempted. Conducting a campaign 24/7 is no easy task, it requires stamina, and determination as well as an alert mind. Trump is stone cold sober and keeps a grueling schedule of travel. He that waits upon the Lord, which is precisely what Mr. Trump has done; will renew their strengths, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” says the Word of God in (Is. 40:30-31). We must focus on Mr. Trump’s track record of successes which are considerably more than his failures. In baseball, players are paid millions of dollars if they can hit 3 out of 10 meaning they are allowed to fail 7 times. Something to think about; unlike his opponent who has consistently lied, failed, and caused countless deaths in her quest for power, Trump is a winner who is known for keeping his word and will make America Great Again
© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Think big has been Donald John Trump’s mantra since his best-selling book the “The Art of the Deal” which introduced us to this brilliant man. He is a winner in every sense of the word. He likes to make a statement. And guess what? Trump has done precisely that by running for the highest office in the United States of America; Hey if you’re going to run for office you may as well start with the Presidency, right? Who needs a communist little peon Jr. Senator named Barack Hussein Obama (the former Barry Sotero) who hates America and sat under the tutelage of an America hating Pastor if that’s what you want to call Jeremiah Wright one. The word of God states that “Faith Comes by Hearing” I add “Hate Comes by Hearing as Well” and Obama hates America. He is the most biblically hostile President in the history of the United States of America. One of the things that is a source of ire for Mr. Trump is the constant onslaught of petty false accusations and distractions from the real issues at hand facing America and its citizens. Did you know that we have had thirteen documented terrorist attacks by Muslims on American soil under the current pathetic leadership of Obananas? He is a descendant of Ishmael and the Word of God refers to Ishamael as a Wild Donkey, it is no wonder that the logo of the Democrats (them ole rats) is a Donkey, no less. See Gen. 16:12.
Donald J. Trump on the other hand, is a seasoned successful businessman with a huge amount of success, billions to his name, and nearly half a century experience in the world. He defeated sixteen (16) challengers to win the nomination on the Republican ticket for the President of the United States. He has been the subject of vile million dollar hate campaigns, false accusations and attacks too numerous to even mention in this blog. One thing is certain, Mr. Trump is no match for his enemies or the enemies of America as God is with this man. He has been prepared and fashioned for this time. Mr. Trump recognizes that as a world leader, one has to possess the right instincts.
While raising my son, I came across the book Wild at Heart “Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul” by John Eldredge. It is a New York Times Bestseller. Proverbs 27:19 “A man’s heart reflects the man… Matthew 11:12 “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Exactly what is God saying? I believe that men are warriors created in the image of God. That adventurous spirit of men has led to the discovery of new lands, languages, cultures, and the need of thrills leads many to attempt nearly the impossible to prove that they can. A wise man knows that with God what is Impossible is Him Possible (Matt. 19:26). Men are adventurous, love a good battle, and rescuing beauties as John Eldredge reveals in his book.
As a single mother, I made a decision to raise a Warrior of a son. He’s an expert marksman, only takes headshots, he has a lifetime gun permit, and his first love is Jesus Christ. Being a single mother is no easy task, but it is not impossible if you believe in God and have faith. I had to be intentional in making certain I was there but gave him space to make his own mistakes. I allowed him to grow, compete and sadly, we had tough times as well. But through it all, he learned to lean on God Almighty. In his early twenties, he went through a difficult time, and it was there he learned to face his enemy the evil one. I made sure he was mentored by amazing Godly men, prayed on my knees and let God do the rest. He is truly becoming a battle hardened Warrior, and he’s not even twenty five yet. My Cub-Man needed men, not me. In some ways, he has become wiser than me in some things.
As I observed and studied Mr. Trump I have surmised that his father’s decision to send him to a Military School in his teenage years was a wise decision. It made him who is, a tough, disciplined strong man, made in the image of God as well all are, especially men. In order to survive, a man must learn to be a warrior.
What do you think of when you hear the word Warrior? As I researched this word, I found that it is representative of ethical codes of the early Germanic Peoples and many other cultures. Mr. Trump is of German descent by the way. Across cultural boundaries there are common traits that are expected of a warrior, these are mercy, courage and loyalty. Observing Mr. Trump’s life, it’s clear that his life has been governed by such. Warriors are fashioned, to value honor, and have faith as well. Mr. Trump often references that he despises those who are not loyal. In the case of Mr. Trump, his life is filled with adversity, some failures, and triumphs. We have observed our nation take a trip to the Cemetery under the leadership of the most spineless President in the history of the United States.
I might add to this, that God’s warrior nature was first revealed in the Garden in Gen. 3:14-15 “because you have done this, thou art cursed…and enmity between thy seed and her seed; it has been scientifically proven that all human babies have a natural fear of snakes & serpents. Thus God the Warrior spent nearly four thousand years fighting the evil one through his creation, as he worked towards his rescue mission. There were countless covert operations in the camp of the enemy, many heroes and villains, until the birth, death resurrection over death the ultimate enemy. That culminated on the cross when in John 3:16 we find “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son (yes a man who was the seed of a woman & God as He had to redeem through the same gender that was deceived). Go so loved the World (meaning all of us, every tribe, every tongue, every nation that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Thus God the Warrior accomplished that mission. Now as we near the return of His Son in the final battle, the fourth and final event, God has raised up a man named Donald John Trump to take a stand as a man who defends the Christian faith. His name speaks it all. Donald John Trump. See my blog Trump’s Faith and Patriotism Part 1. His lineage contains his mother’s name which was Christ. His father was Fred Christ Trump. He speaks against the beheading of our Christian brethren overseas. Saying Merry Christmas will be popular again. God is a fighter, and we are especially men are made in his image to fight, to be heroes, to be warriors. In the movie Braveheart we saw the same scenario played out. The Wallace implicitly tells his men. “Sons of Scotland…you have come to fight as free men, and free men you are.” Donald Trump’s battle cry for the American people is as an echo of that for the American people. Jesus loved and reached out to those who needed Him, but Christ drew out the self-righteous teachers of the Law, just as the Democrats have become corrupt and lawless in their decimation of the Republic of the United States of America. Barack Obama is the most biblically hostile President in the history of the United States of America, and Hillary Clinton is the biggest liar of this century. Let me tell you, God placed Donald J. Trump and made him who is precisely for this time. ”Is God a gentleman??? Not if you’re in the service of his enemy. Christ draws the enemy out, exposes him for what he is, and shames him in front of everyone.” according to Eldredge. The Bible is replete with battles and genealogies. God is not Miss. Manners. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who came as a babe, raised as a builder, a carpenter, then went on to be a fisher of men, hung on a cross, and victorious over death. When He returns, He is going to be on a White Horse, pissed off, there will be the mother of all Wars, and who do you want on your side for that fourth and final event? God is the ultimate Warrior, and men are created in His image. God caused ten plagues to come upon the enemies of Children of Israel in Exodus. He struck them with pain, and death of their firstborn, and boils, snakes, and locust. When necessary, God inflicted vengeance. So you think that Mr. Trump is too tough? Crass, manly? Well dammit, he’s a man. Did we sit idly when Hitler murdered millions in concentration camps? Did we turn the other cheek when Pearl Harbor was bombed? No we nuked Japan’s ass. God has always raised up Warrior men to fight and prevail. It has been said in order for evil to flourish; good men stand by and do nothing. I certainly don’t want that, do you? As an American, as a Patriot, don’t you want a man who will fight for you? Your children? Your families, your homes? See my page “Trump and Nehemiah.” Want to see more about the Warrior God? Read Job 39:19-25. With the dismal state of America, invasion of criminals and convicts under the guise of Syrian refugees, do we want to “turn the other cheek? Or do we want a man who will build that wall and protect his people? In spite of the dogs of hell and lies and deceit being unleashed on America, Trump is our only advocate. These are some hard tough questions that all Americans of faith must answer on November 8, 2016 as they go to vote. Trump is competitive, and has excelled in nearly everything he has attempted. Conducting a campaign 24/7 is no easy task, it requires stamina, and determination as well as an alert mind. Trump is stone cold sober and keeps a grueling schedule of travel. He that waits upon the Lord, which is precisely what Mr. Trump has done; will renew their strengths, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” says the Word of God in (Is. 40:30-31). We must focus on Mr. Trump’s track record of successes which are considerably more than his failures. In baseball, players are paid millions of dollars if they can hit 3 out of 10 meaning they are allowed to fail 7 times. Something to think about; unlike his opponent who has consistently lied, failed, and caused countless deaths in her quest for power, Trump is a winner who is known for keeping his word and will make America Great Again